Discussion: Fandoms

A lot of book lovers seem to have pretty deep feels, and thus are part of at least one fandom. One could argue that "books" is a fandom. ;) So hey, let's talk fandoms!

I thought I'd make a post sharing my own fandoms, across a number of categories. I actually spent over a month putting this post together, because I kept thinking of something else I totally love and thus must gush about. I divided my fandoms into categories: Books, Movies, TV, and Misc. A couple of them (like Alice in Wonderland and Harry Potter) cross categories, so I tried to stick them where they seemed to make the most sense to my little fangirl heart.


Alice in Wonderland


Harry Potter

(#HufflepuffPride. P.S. This includes the whole Potter Universe, ok? Not just the 7/8 movies. Who doesn't love Snape and Newt?)

Jane Austen

 (This woman's work has spawned how many movies, books, artworks, events... PLUS, Alan Rickman in Sense & Sensibility = forever love.)


SyFy's Alice

(Ok while this is technically a TV miniseries, I watch it all in one sitting and it has one overarching plotline, so I'm calling it a movie. It's also technically a subset of the Alice in Wonderland overall fandom, but shut up, I love it so I'm including it. Besides - Hatter.)

The Princess Bride

(OK, so this is a book as well, but the movie is the main fandomness. Do you see why I had so much trouble with some of these?! The book is also excellent, so if you haven't read it - do so!)



(Literally the fandom knows as having a gif for everything, so how do I choose just one??)



Veronica Mars

(A long time ago we used to be friends... She's like a cute little ball of fury and kick-assery. What's not to love? Veronica + Logan 4Eva)



Once Upon A Time in Wonderland

 (Another Alice in Wonderland spin-off, but I don't even care. It's amazing enough to get its own category, ok? Or save yourself time and just rip your heart out of your chest right now!)








Fairy Tales

(OK, so I struggled with whether to put this under books or misc, but ended up putting it under misc for the same reasons as I did Disney. And I guess you could sort of link Disney and Fairy Tales together...)


(Hey, I'm making the leap and calling this a fandom.)

So? Did you make it all the way to the end of my list? I'm sure I'm missing a LOT of fandoms I love here. What did I miss? What fandoms do YOU love?


  1. Interesting! If books in general are a fandom, then I’m totally in it. I love Harry Potter, too.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I feel like books in general are definitely their own fandom. :)

  2. Alice is life!! I will never not watch that and fall in love with ALP.
    I liked ONce UPon a Time in wonderland, except my ship was not the ship that made it.
    Sherlock was good until my ship failed and now it is DEAD TO ME.
    You are so great and I'm glad we are friends.

    1. What was your Once in Wonderland ship that didn't make it??
      I am also glad we are friends. :)

  3. Yay for fandoms! :)
    I'm actually part of some of these fandoms too - I love Harry Potter, Jane Austen, Sherlock and Firefly, and I've been starting to read more manga lately. And mermaids should definitely be a fandom! Although in that case I'd also like to suggest unicorns too, because I have a slight obsession with anything mermaid or unicorn related :)

  4. I LOVE YOUR FANDOMS!!! So many of them are the same as mine. Can I ask why you didn't list Once Upon A Time (the original)? Did you not like it????? Also a big anime lover even though I haven't watched anything in a while, but the theme song for Yuri on Ice made it to #2 on the 2017 Spotify most played list soooooo...

    1. I LOVE Once Upon A Time in Wonderland. LOVE. Want to cosplay stuff from it. Want to quote it. Have watched it in its entirety at least 3 times.

      Once Upon A Time (the regular/original series) is OK. I liked the first season a lot, and then kind of trailed off over time so I haven't even watched the past season or two (or three??) It's good, just doesn't hit me in the fangirl flail button. :)

  5. I am definitely a fan of things, but I never quite match the enthusiasm of a fandom fan. I will say, that I admire the enthusiasm of many fans.

    1. I like to think I’m not a rabid fan girl, but if I hear people talking about, say Supernatural, I may suddenly appear and say “Are we talking about Supernatural? Hello, new friends.” Lol

  6. Though I'm a huge fan of a number of shows, books or movies or just about anything, I feel like I don't tick all the boxes of being in a fandom. Like I love talking about things, fangirling over them, but I usually do that when I'm alone. BUT of course, it's all about finding the right fandom XD I LOVE HARRY POTTER and everything that comes along with it so I would definitely call myself a part of that fandom if I had to one day. This was such a cool post, Elley! :D

    1. I don't think you need to "tick all the boxes" to be part of a fandom - you just have to love something. :) My own litmus test for if I'm part of a fandom is - if they made a T-shirt, button, coffee mug, etc. for this, would I want it?

      Dr. Who scarf? No thanks, not a part of the Dr. Who fandom.
      Newt Scamander's greatcoat? GIVE IT TO ME NOW I NEED IT TO LIVE! :)

  7. I don't know if I get to fandom status for much, with the possible exceptions of Disney and Buffy the Vampire Slayer (both from when I was much younger). I didn't even know OUaT in Wonderland was a thing---I might have to check that out.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  8. I love the idea of books being a fandom. Our fandom loves overlap with Harry Potter, anime, manga, and fairy tales.

    Carrie @ Cat on the Bookshelf


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