This post is inspired by one
Laura posted over at Boats Against the Current about real life bookish friends. In her post, Laura talks about how most of her bookish friends are people she's met online, especially through book blogging. It got me to thinking about how lucky I am to have so many booknerds in my life.
I have many bookish friends, though we don’t always have the same taste in books.
I come from a family that reads, and growing up my dad always had a western in his hands and Mom always had a romance novel. Now they both seem to gravitate towards mysteries/thrillers, which is nice because they share books. My brother is a voracious reader and some of our sci-fi/fantasy interests overlap, but he’s much more into sci-fi and I think thrillers/horror while I go more toward sci-fi/fantasy and romance. My sister-in-law is also a reader, though honestly I have no idea what she likes to read. Hmm...
I have a weirdly large number of friends from high school who got their MLS degree and are now librarians, if that gives you an idea of how many bookish people I surround myself with, haha. I remember once in middle school, there was a “rule” about no reading at the table because lunchtime is for socializing. Friend A told Friend B “Hey! No reading at the table!” and Friend B said “But Elley is reading…” The response was “Yeah, well, she gets a special pass, she’s never
not reading.” So you can pretty much picture high school me right there. We also tried to start a literary club, and all I really remember about it is that we each picked a weird alliterative color name; Friend A was Prissy Purpy, another friend was Gwen Green, and I think I was Lana Lellow. ...And I am still a giant nerd to this very day.
I am lucky enough to have two BFFs who are readers, though one of them looks down her nose rather at my current love of romance novels. She recommends amazing books, though, and they tend to be ones that really make me think. We seem to talk mostly about fantasy, and she was bugging me to read
A Song of Ice and Fire looooong before the show ever came out on HBO. She also introduced me to Margaret Atwood ...I really should listen to her more.
My other BFF lives an hour and a half drive away but has really similar reading tastes, so we talk a LOT, but it’s mostly online over Facebook messenger and the like. You may recognize her from her monthly guest posts on my blog, Peekaboo's Corner. Someday she'll figure out how we can do a long distance podcast, and then we'll REALLY set the bookish world on fire. Oh wait, fire and paper is bad...
My husband is also a reader, though not as voracious a reader as I am. He reads mostly Dragonlance books and the Wheel of Time series, and while I tried to get into them I thought they were boooooriiiiing. Still, sometimes I read a book that I know he’ll love, like Orson Scott Card’s
Ender’s Game, and then I will throw it at his head (sometimes literally) and yell “READ THIS RIGHT NOW!” Sometimes he does, and then we can talk about books together, which is pretty much the perfect romance, haha.
Since I started book blogging and actually USING my Twitter account (for mostly book stuff) I feel like I'm connecting with the bookish community as a whole, and I feel like I'm starting to forge little fledgling friendships with a few others online. It's hard because the online community, while great at connecting people from all over the globe, can feel a little impersonal sometimes. I just started participating in the #otspsecretsister project this round, which is sort of a like a giant bookish Secret Santa project that runs for 6 months, and I feel like I'm getting closer to that bookish group as well.
How about you? Do you have many bookish friends? Are they online or IRL or a mix of both?