Monthly Wrap-Up: September 2018

2018 Reading Challenge

Books read in September: 16

Books read in 2018: 140/175*
*Updated my challenge to 175 in August, since I was getting TOO CLOSE TO ACTUALLY ACHIEVING MY GOAL, and I'm apparently a glutton for punishment. x.X;;


Progress in September: 3
Total Progress: 19/21


hosted by Novel Knight
Progress in September: 1
  • Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
Total Progress: 6/20


Progress in September: 0

Total Progress: 23/26

Letters remaining: Q, X, Z (The hard ones!)


hosted by The Hufflepuff Basement group on Goodreads

Progress in September: 1
  • Fire - 
  • Chair/Throne - Grilled Cheese & Goblins (There's a stool, I'm counting it!)
 Total Progress: 9/24


  1. Great job. I had my Goodreads goal as 100 an I made that last month. I'm not changing it though, but we'll see how much I actually read this year!


  2. Congrats on reading 16 books! My Goodreads challenge is set to 100, but I don’t know if I’ll reach it. :(

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  3. Good job chipping away at that backlist!!

  4. 22 books ahead of your reading goal! That's awesome!


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